Energy Healing modalities need not be done in-person, but some clients will want in-person only, and we have to be careful. The general rule is that if hairdressers and beauty salons are open, you can do in-person if you choose to.
For workshops and training, it is good practice to do a lateral flow test before the training and to be transparent about results, rearranging if need be.
Above all stay safe, be prepared and respect your and your clients health and well being.
Standard Procedure You Must Do For Every Client
- Provide a hand sanitising/hand-washing station for customers before they enter the business premises or within the premises;
- Sanitise/wash hands after handling cash;
- Encourage contactless payment where possible;
- Disinfect common areas before and after use including after serving each customer;
- Sanitize or wash with soap each equipment or tool, if any, before and after each use. Or you can be wipe them down with a 70% alcohol solution after serving each customer and at the end and beginning of each business day; – this includes crystals, candles, music equipment, etc – make sure a candle is out before wiping with alcohol!
- Fresh and clean towels, throws, blankets, pillow cases must be used for each customer, and pillows must be encased in plastic that can be wiped in-between clients;
- Keep windows/doors open, if possible, to ensure adequate ventilation;
- Pre-book appointments with adequate time in-between to sanitise where they and you have been. And people must not sit in a waiting room unnecessarily, risking getting COVID-19 from others there. Salons/waiting areas must only allow customers inside if a safe distance can be maintained;
- Clean your vehicle more often if you do home visits.
If you train in an energy healing modality, move the training online where possible
Reiki is an exception, where due to charlatans operating on the internet, Reiki attunements and training have to be in-person. You can do one person at a time in that case, for example. Do not blow your breath on the client.
Inform clients of guidance about visiting the premises prior to and at the point of arrival, including information on websites, on booking forms, on a text/sms that you send to confirm the appointment, by email, everywhere.
The client toilet must have paper disposable towels or wash the towel after a client uses it. Clean everything, including toilets, more often between each use.
Provide more waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection.
Most air conditioning systems do not need adjustment other than to not blow from one user to the next as previously explained, however where systems serve multiple buildings, or you are unsure, advice should be sought from your heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) engineers or advisers.
Clean objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, including door handles or staff handheld devices, treatment beds/couches (sanitize in-between clients) and make sure there are adequate disposal arrangements for cleaning products, for example touch free bins. Best clean with a solution that has 70% alcohol.
Wear clean clothes for work that you have not worn for transport.
Provide hand sanitiser in multiple locations in premises in addition to washrooms.
Wash your hands regularly.
Change and wash your face covering daily, ideally after each client.
Very Important
must not attend in person
if they have experienced any of the following.
Get them to sign to that effect, or at least return electronically that they are clear.
- A Fewer (above 37.8 degrees OR above what is normal for them, if less)
- A persistent unusual cough
- Shortness of breath / Respiratory difficulty / Allergy-like breathing symptoms/ Sneezing more than normal
- Unusual Tiredness or fatigue
- A sore throat
- Loss of taste/smell
- Unusual aches and pains
- An unusual headache (as opposed to a regular migraine the client has, for example)
- Diarrhoea
- Travel to an area where there is a high incidence of the virus
- Close contact with someone who had the coronavirus at the time