If you wish to charge for your services and help people to do better, then being a practitioner is one such way to go about this. There are many successful energy healer practitioners in daily full time practice, enjoying the scheduling that suits their life and style, some avoiding the rat run and having sessions online and in their own clinics at times that suit them. If you hate getting up early or love early mornings - you choose.
Fees are simple and if you are already a member your membership number remains the same, your upgrade fee is listed in the pdf below.
The codes and ethics are listed below, down load, sign and scan each page to us in the email listed.
Codes & Ethics - Codes Of Conduct
Thank you for your support, every little helps your path towards acceptance.
If you have any questions, you can use the contact form
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The annual membership is required to help support your qualification administration. by using one of our approved trainers , you can be sure they have signed the contract of codes and ethics. This very high standard is to protect you and the public once you, too are in practice gaining experience on your way to becoming an expert.