Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Supporter membership level.

You believe in what the Energy Healers Association is doing and would love to fund the progress and successes we make on your behalf. by supporting your community this way you can give back to society and the community that supports you!

You want to do this because you know, like we do that by supporting a good cause like this, you will be helping society improve in time.  We have programs that can only happen when we have funding and every little bit helps, give $1 a day and you wont feel it (we hope) and it will make a huge differencce to those we support. Our supporteres money in the past has been used to help those  who cannot afford training to get that training free and the skills upgrade as helped those who benefitted to change whole communities. Every Rand , GBP, US$ you give counts...

The price for membership is R 1.00 per Month.

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
Already have an account? Log in here

Pay by Bank Transfer Payments

Pay directly into the bank details provided, send confirmation proof of payment with name and email and proof of your previous experience if any. to

We will get in touch. please put in your safe senders list and cc when emailing., fees are in Rands listed in the membersfees forms.

We will get back to you within48 to 72 hours, if you do not hear from us please do use the contact form or message +27843351636.

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